Saturday, September 21, 2013

Natural Hair Styles: Braid and Curl {Heatless Curls}

The Braid and Curl is a super easy natural hair style to do and it great for transitioning and fully natural hair.

 I just used my DIY flaxseed gel recipe infused with sage and rosemary, aloe juice and water and flexi rods. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Natural Hair Styles | Bantu Knot Out with Camille Rose Almond Jai Twist ...

Results of natural hair bantu knot out style using Camille Rose Almond Jai Twist Butter.

The curls are tighter than my dry bantu knot out results which gives a new and different result.

Love it!!

Natural Hair Styles Tutorial | Natural Hair Bangin Bantu Knot Out

Natural Hair Styles:  Perfect Bantu Knot Out

Hey guys!  Here's one of my favorite natural hair go to styles.  It's great for transitioning to natural and fully natural hair!  I've also included my natural hair cleansing regiment as well! 

Hope you enjoy it!  Nolyenapturallyme

Monday, September 9, 2013

Natural Hair Styles | Natural Hair Fail turned Wavy Curly Updo!

Natural Weight Loss Challenge! I've lost 13.5 pounds! Whoot-whoot!

Hey guys!

I'm so happy to share that I've lost another 5.5 pounds since my last update!  So far I've lost 13.5 pounds this month. 

I've been eating clean, sticking to my Daniel's Fast and doing a bit of exercise which has made me feel sooo great! 

On Wednesday, I'm going to share some of my meal plans and a couple of other great details about what I'm doing.  Look forward to seeing you then!  In the meantime, please enjoy this video update!


Hi guys!  This Make-up Monday I thought I'd show you how I depot my lipstick and house them in a space saving pill cozy!  For this depotting project I'm using a LA Colors Lipstick, an exacto knife, large spoon, napkin and a 7 day pill cozy I got for a $1.00 from the local dollar store. 

This project is cheap, quick, easy and saves lots of space!

After letting your lipstick sit at room temperature for 15 minutes, using a napkin, gently twist and remove the lippie from its container and place it in the center of the large spoon.  If some lipstick is left in the container after depotting, just use your exacto knife to remove the remaining product. 
Use a long stemmed lighter, heat the bottom of the spoon to melt down the lipstick being very careful not to boil it.  Boiling causes the lipstick formulation to change and you don't want that. 
I like to move the flame back and forth to keep the temperature even and to evenly melt my lippie.
Once the lipstick has completely melted, just pour it into one of the compartments of your pill cozy, let it sit for 10 minutes and you're done! 

I hope you enjoyed the video!  See you next time!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Natural Hair Styles | Defined Curly Coil Out On Natural Hair

Favorite natural hairs style alert! This is quickly becoming my favorite stye for curly hair.

I used organic root stimulator twist and lock gel on my coils which provided great hold and definition!