Is your flexi rod, curl formers, perm rod or hair tool collection getting out of control? Do you have a small apartment like me and need a unique way to store odds and ends?
Well here's a 10 minute space saving DIY project (Do It Yourself) that will leave your space, organized, clutter free and functional! It's so easy and costs less than $5 to make! I've been sharing it with curl-friends all weekend!
My daughter and I have quite a large collection of flexi rods and other rollers for use on our Natural Hair (3b, 3c, 4a & 4b) but we are short on storage space in our bathroom so I wanted to come up with a quick and easy space saving way to house them. Before I just threw them in to an old Ikea CD case and a basket I bought from Target which are both pictured below. Just to give you an example of how many hair flexible rods I have, container I picked up at Target is about a foot deep!
When I sat down to think about organization and storage options for my long and short hair perm rods and flexi's, I realized that making the option "nice to look at" was important, too. I'm weird like that. lol. But is was important to have this realization because I wanted to ability to store the hair products and tools anywhere in my home without creating an eye sore.
Tools I used for this DIY Project:
1. Quaker Oats Minute Oatmeal containers - empty of-course! ;)
2. A ruler
3. A scissors or a straight edged craft knife (I can't remember the proper name for this tool)
4. Designer papers, scrapbook paper, gift wrap or wall paper. (any of these options will do)
5. Crafting Glue
6. Measuring tape
So the first thing I did was use the measuring tape to calculate the length (top to bottom) and width (around the circumference of the container) of the Quaker Oats container. Then I cut my scrapbook paper to accommodate the measurements. TIP: add 1/4 - 1/2 inch to your width measurement to ensure it's long enough for the edges to overlap. This ensures that your seams will meet and the Quaker Oats is completely hidden.
After measuring and cutting the paper to specification, I used a bit of glue (Elmers glue or craft glue will work) and worked it in along the wrong sides of the left and right edges of the paper. (wrong side = the back of the paper. The side that will not be showing.)
Then I carefully placed in on Quaker Oats container. Be sure to place in on the container as straight as possible. If it's crooked, then the rest of your paper will appear off center when you wrap it around the width of the container. TIP: Adhere the top and bottom corners first. Wrap the paper around the container to see whether it's going on straight. If it's crooked, just pull up the corners and readjust it so that it's straight.
Once you've ensured that the paper has been placed on to the container perfectly straight, rub your finger back and forth over the edge where you applied to glue. Wrap the paper around the container and repeat. This will ensure that the glue adheres properly.
Now your container should look like this:
Now cut out a piece of coordinating paper to cover the lid. To get proper measurements, I just placed the lid on the paper and cut around it using the straight edged cutting tool I had. If you are using scissors, just place the lid on the wrong side of the paper, use a pencil to trace around the edge of the lid and cut it out. Apply glue to the edges of the circular piece you've cut and place it on top of the lid.
Now add your flexi's or what ever you'd like to store in the container and pop it on the self or into it's new home!
I hope you love this space saving DIY project as much as I do!
Tell me what you think of this project! Please comment below!